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Corporate Social Responsibility

Community Projects

Mantra Tanzania Limited is always focused to make sure the company's activities benefit society. We concentrate on conducting Social Responsible Investments in communities surrounding the project area through CSR on three key aspects – environmental, social, and corporate governance. The principles of CSR can benefit both society and Mantra. Our employees work together as one team who give their time and effort to contribute to the development of the communities surrounding the project area and finally the entire region of Ruvuma. Several Mantra CSR activities have already been developed in the communities on: • Education • Health and Safety • Environments and • Sustainability Projects

Corporate Social Responsibility


MANTRA CONTINUES TO DONATE E-LIBRARIES IN NAMTUMBO SCHOOLS This month Mantra Tanzania will donate the 4th electronic library in Namtumbo. The e-library donation to Pamoja Hign school of Namtumbo is an important milestone in the use of technology in learning in the district. Mantra Tanzania Limited is a uranium exploration company working in Namtumbo District of Ruvuma region. As part of its CSR programme, Mantra has partnered with an NGO Read International to transform unused rooms in Namtumbo secondary schools into well-stocked libraries. The libraries are provided with the essentials: basic training on library management, shelves, tables, seats and books. Since 2019 we have gone a step further by donating electronic libraries to 4 secondary schools. At Pamoja High School, three computers have been installed and connected to the Internet in the premises. A special program with library functionality and an interface was developed and installed, electronic books and tutorials were uploaded to school web portals. Books, are both scanned copies of printed books and stand-alone digital documents. In content, these are study guides and fiction in English and Swahili. Using the resources of the electronic library, students will be able to read and watch materials on school subjects, teachers will be able to download and share information and plans for preparing lessons. Computers in Pamoja are connected to the electronic libraries of other schools, so students and teachers have the opportunity to participate in online conferences and, finally, just chat. The total cost of the project amounted to Shs 25 million. In addition to the costs of the electronic library itself, this amount also included the purchase of print media to supplement the library stock, shelves, tables, chairs and training for teachers and students on library management. By creating a functional and inspirational learning environment schools are provided with the tools for effective learning and promoting a culture of reading. In getting access to a library students read more, learn more and get further in their studies. The initiative has paved the way for students and teachers to have access to educational resources necessary for the development of a reading culture. Alongside the creation of new libraries Mantra in collaboration with Read International monitors and evaluates the use and effectiveness of existing refurbished libraries. Project history The Mantra library project began back in 2014. Read International, a non-governmental organization, had asked the company to sponsor the creation of libraries in Tanzania in order to overcome the barrier of illiteracy. For its part, Mantra itself was looking for educational projects that could be supported in the region of its presence. The reconstruction program of the library fits perfectly with the concept of social responsibility of the company therefore Read International and Mantra entered into agreement to refurbish secondary school libraries in Namtumbo. A project that has created five neat well-functioning libraries in the district. Achievements Created 7 libraries in Namtumbo, serving over 4,000 students Delivered over 11,000 books to 7 secondary schools Donated 16 computers to four secondary schools thus creating the first e-libraries in Namtumbo Our donation trained teachers and students on literacy activities, computer literacy, library management and reading promotion Impact Independent and confident readers An energized culture of reading within the school community Schools that run efficient and friendly libraries Enhanced learning through use of technology About MANTRA and ROSATOM Mantra Tanzania owns the Mkuju River Project in Namtumbo District of Ruvuma region in southern Tanzania. Mantra is owned by ROSATOM – the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom is the only company in the world that has the resources and competencies to offer energy solutions across the nuclear supply chain, including assets in design, construction and operation of nuclear power stations, uranium mining, conversion and enrichment, supply of nuclear fuel, decommissioning, spent fuel storage and transportation, and safe nuclear waste disposal. Rosatom is also engaged in the production of equipment and isotope products for the needs of nuclear medicine, scientific research, and materials science, the production of digital and various innovative products. The company’s strategy is to develop low-carbon power generation projects, including in the wind generation field. Today, Rosatom brings together over 300 enterprises and organizations and over 250,000 employees.

Corporate Social Responsibility


Among prestigious projects that Mantra Tanzania has had the honor to participate this year, is the Majimaji Selebuka event. This is because it is a project that taps at the core of independence struggles in our country and lies at the heart of Ruvuma region, where our operations are expected to take place. Between the year 1905 and 1906, the most significant African challenge to German colonial rule occurred in the southern part of Tanzania, called the Majimaji war. It is a war that later became an inspiration for freedom fighters in the 20th century who called for similar inter-ethnic unity in their struggles against colonial rule, such as that seen among the southern tribes of Tanzania. Years after, the Majimaji uprise still remains as a significant occurrence in the history of our country, therefore making commemorations such as the Selebuka event, essential in acknowledging the foundation of our country and its culture. Majimaji Selebuka event has been held for seven consecutive years, involving trade fair, cultural and social activities, sports, tourism and other activities, with the main objective of exposing the virtuousness of the Southerners and opening doors and opportunities to many Tanzanians and other neighboring countries such as: Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia, hence providing the locals an opportunity to advance economically, socially and culturally, through interactions with outside world. This year’s event theme was ‘Forests are life’ (Misitu ni Uhai). Different departments and institutions under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, along with private companies, NGOs and CBOs participated and had pavilions at Majimaji stadium, the region’s main stadium. Secondary school students were engaged in debates and workshops on environment and the event’s theme. Invitees had the opportunity to visit different tourist’ sites offered by the region. To top it off, various sports competitions were held and the men and women cycling competition featured as the main event attraction. As one of Ruvuma region’s key stakeholder, Mantra was invited to sponsor this event, and being as this project touches on many of our key aspirations and focuses, we were delighted to be part and parcel of its success. This project provided Mantra an opportunity to work with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism which is one of Mantra’s most important and influential stakeholders. More so, being as our Mkuju River Project is located in Ruvuma, it was an honor to work with Ruvuma’s Region Administration in a project that celebrates the region’s contribution towards liberation of the country. As one of the main sponsors, we had the opportunity to educate and inform the public on Mantra’s CSR initiatives, MRP, provide information on uranium and radioactivity, as well as answer questions about MRP, Uranium and Radioactivity Mantra Tanzania donated a total of 18 football jersey sets, 23 cycling jersey sets, and 20 footballs, amounting to a total worth of US$ 4,350. Our participation and sponsorship was acknowledged by The Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Hon. Dr. Damas Ndumbaro, the Mayor of Songea Hon. Mbano, organisers of Majimaji Selebuka, sportmen and women who participated in the event. The eminent event was broadcasted national-wide and Mantra’s participation as sponsor of the event also appeared in the mainstream and social media. As famous Jamaican activist once said “People without knowledge of their past, origin and culture are like a tree without roots”, and we, Mantra Tanzania will continue to support initiatives that embrace the roots of Tanzania’s culture and existence as a liberal state, for it is only in doing so that we will be able to grow.

Corporate Social Responsibility


Mantra Tanzania Ltd has a long history of communicating with the locals in Namtumbo, facilitating consultation, discussion and information sharing. But one of the main and most engaging projects in the region is helping the development of Namtumbo District Hospital. The construction of the hospital started in 2014, but was highly boosted by Mantra in 2017 through Namtumbo Selous Marathon. The medical staff started working in 2018 and since then the hospital expanded, offering new assistance and gaining facilities. Now the hospital has 21 beds, more than 15 in patients and more than 60 out patients a day and offers a wide range of services from patient treatment, dentistry and maternity ward to pharmaceutical work and laboratory research. Before the construction of the hospital, patients used dispensaries and health centres and for further treatment they had to go to the regional hospital in Songea which is 64 km from Namtumbo. “Following the medical facilities available at Namtumbo District Hospital, it has helped to reduce the challenge of patients going to be treated long distances, including saving lives, especially for pregnant women in need of maternity care”, said a Namtumbo Division Executive Officer Alkwin Ndomba. Tatu Mohamed a young mother of two shared that in 2014 she almost lost her child as she had to travel all the way to Songea to seek medical treatment. The fare was not affordable and when she was admitted in Songea her upkeep was also too much for her as her family could not afford to travel to Songea everyday to bring her food. She is now happy that the district hospital has a maternal and children’s ward that caters for their needs. “The hospital in Namtumbo has modern facilities like a maternity ward, a laboratory which has a Fullblood picture machine that can test 30 blood samples per hour and clean and safe water and can now take inpatients due to the availability of wards”, said Dr. Christopher Wabwarumi, Doctor in charge of the district hospital. Ndomba thanked Mantra for being a major driver of development efforts in the local community, whereby over the past five years there have been significant changes in the health and education sectors in Namtumbo District. But sky is not the limit and the hospital has bigger plans for future development. One of them is a completion of the hospital so that it becomes fully operational with all necessary medical services and facilities. The hospital should also have a fully operating theatre, get an ambulance and another vehicle for general usage in the near future.

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