Alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays can harm a living cell by breaking its chemical bonds at random disrupting the cell’s genetic instructions. Outside the body, alpha emitters are the least harmful, and gamma emitters are more dangerous than beta emitters. Inside the body, however, alpha emitters are the most dangerous. They are about 20 times more damaging than beta emitters or gamma emitters. Thus, although alpha radiation cannot penetrate through a sheet of paper or a dead layer of skin, alpha emitters are extremely hazardous when taken into the body by inhalation or ingestion, or through a cut or open sore. It should be noted, however, that exposure to low radioactivity will not necessarily lead to any radiation related illness. Several possible health effects are associated with human exposure to radiation from uranium.
Everyone in the world is exposed to radiation on a daily basis. This type of radiation is called Natural Background Radiation.
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